Contribute to documentation

Here we explain how to make change in the documentation and make it available online.

General information

GitHub is configured to host our content at this address.

Users are modifying site content by providing pull requests to master branch.

To modify documentation follow these steps:

Fork documentation repository

Make a fork of our site repository and clone your fork locally.

Modify the documentation

Modify one of documentation related markdown file. For example, to modify the page you are looking at right now, edit


Provide a pull request

When you are happy with the changes you’ve made, push changes to the origin and provide a pull request.

Members of RESEDA-MLZ have rights to merge their own pull requests. External users will have to wait a bit for a person with admin rights to approve.

After pull request merge, check site online. It might take a few minutes before changes will be propagated to hosting service.

Because of browser cashing you might need to reload the page from scratch (e.g. push reload button while holding shift key). See also bypass your cache.